Love You Forever Project - Jenna's Story

As part of our Love You Forever Project, we are honoured to share another story of Love and Loss. Meet Jenna, mother to three precious girls:

On Christmas day 2014 we told our two girls that they were going to be big sisters. They were so excited and so were we. This baby would complete our family. Fast forward to February 25th, 2015. We went in for our 20 week anatomy scan and hoped to find out the baby’s gender as well. The ultrasound tech took her time and when she seemed to be finished she said I could go use the washroom and to come right back. When I got back to the room my husband was there. A minute later, a doctor walked into the room. We know right away that something wasn't right. He sat down and started looking for himself on the monitor. He started to speak the words that made my world stand still, “We have a problem here,” he said. He proceeded to tell us our precious baby girl had anencephaly, a neural tube defect that will ultimately result in death during or shortly after birth. We were absolutely crushed. Nothing can prepare you for the news that there’s nothing you can do and you won’t be bringing your baby home.

We continued the pregnancy and cherished the only time we would have with our sweet baby. We welcomed Pearl Grace on May 31st 2015. She was born sleeping and so beautiful. Our girls and our families were all at the hospital to meet her. My sister in law is a photographer and was with us during labour and delivery and got amazing photos that will forever be cherished. Two of the biggest things for me that day was to have lots of pictures and for the older two girls to meet her. It made her real to them and they talk about her constantly.

For more information on the Love You Forever Project and how to support it click HERE





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